Scientific Articles

  1. Zerva, I., Simitzi, C., Ranella, A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis, I. 3-dimensional laser structured scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response. Procedia Engineering, 59: 211-218, 2013.
  2. Zerva, I., Simitzi, C., Siakouli-Galanopoulou, A., Ranella, A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis I. Implantable vaccines: In vitro antigen presentation enables in vivo immune response. Vaccine 33: 3142–3149, 2015.
  3. Ζέρβα I., Λαναρά X., Στρατάκης E., Αθανασάκη E. Εμφυτεύσιμα εμβόλια με τη χρήση προενεργοποιημένων ικριωμάτων πυριτίου στη θεραπεία του καρκίνου. Aνοσία; 14, 3: 49 – 52, 2018
  4. Zerva, I., Katsoni, E., Simitzi, C., Stratakis, E., Athanassakis, I. Laser micro-structured Si scaffold implantable vaccines against Salmonella Typhimurium. Vaccine 37: 2249-2257 (2019) org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.02.080
  5. Zerva Ι, Simitzi C, Stratakis E and Athanasakis I. Personalized Implantable Vaccines with Antigen PreActivated Macrophages. Austin J Clin Immunol. 2019; 6(1):1038
  6. Zerva I, Pateraki V, Athanassakis I. Implantable vaccines: a solution for immune system manipulation to any antigenic stimulus. J Immunological Sci 2020; 4:5-11.
  7. Αθανασάκη E. Νέα στρατηγική ανάπτυξης εξατομικευμένων εμβολίων στη λοίμωξη COVID-19. Ανοσία; 16, 3: 56 – 58, 2020.
  8. Zerva I, Bakela K, Athanassakis I. Immunotherapy-on-chip against an experimental sepsis model. Inflammation 2021 (in press)

Meeting presentations/invitations

  1. Zerva, I., Simitzi, Ch., Ranella, A., Stratakis, E., Fotakis, C., Athanassakis, I. 3-dimensional laser structured scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response. European Congress of Immunology, September 5-8, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland (travel grant award)
  2. Zerva, I., Simitzi C., Ranella A., Stratakis E., Fotakis C., Athanassakis I. 3-dimensional laser structured scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response. ICTE2013, International Conference of Tissue Engineering, June 2013, Portugal.
  3. Zerva, I., Simitzi C., Ranella A., Stratakis E., Fotakis C., Athanassakis I. 3-dimensional laser structured scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response. TERMIS-EU 2013 June 17-20 Istanbul.
  4. Ranella A., Zerva, I., Simitzi C., Fotakis C., Stratakis E., Athanassakis I. 3D micro laser textured transplantable scaffolds improve macrophage adherence and antigen-specific response. E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING September 16-20, Warsaw University of Technology.
  5. Zerva, I., Simitzi C., Ranella A., Stratakis E., Athanassakis I. Biomaterial-induced inflammatory reaction upon in vivo implantation in mice. E-MRS 2014 FALL MEETING, Warsaw University of Technology.
  6. Zerva, I., Simitzi, C., Stratakis, E., Ranella, A., Athanassakis, I. Transplantable immune modulation in response to autologous cancer cells. 4th European Congress of Immunology, September 6-9, 2015, Vienna
  7. Zerva I., E. Katsoni E., Simitzi C., Ranella A., Stratakis E., Athanassakis I. Differential behavior of laser micro-structured Si scaffolds according to the biological stimulant. 10th FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Island of Crete, Greece Minoa Palace Resort & Spa, July 1-4, 2017
  8. Zerva, I., I.Athanassakis, I. «Εξατομικευμένα Εμφυτεύσιμα Εμβόλια για τον καρκίνο του μαστού» Συνέδριο Κλινικής και Μεταφραστικής Ογκολογίας, Ηράκλειο, Ελλάδα., 2017
  9. Zerva, I., Kouimtzidis, A., Pateraki,V., Lanara,C., Stratakis, E., Athanassakis,I «Implantable, pre-activated microconed-Si scaffold vaccines for cancer therapy». 5th European Congress of Immunology-ECI 2018, Άμστερνταμ, Ολλανδία, 2018.
  10. Πατεράκη B., Ζέρβα I., Λανaρά X., Στρατάκης, E., 2, Ε. Αθανασάκη E. ΕΞΑΤΟΜΙΚΕΥΜΕΝΑ ΑΝΟΣΟΕΜΦΥΤΕΥΜΑΤΑ ΙΚΡΙΩΜΑΤΩΝ ΠΥΡΙΤΙΟΥ ΣΤΗ ΘΕΡΑΠΕΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΡΚΙΝΟΥ, 11ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Ανοσολογίας, Αθήνα, Δεκέμβριος 2019.
  11. Αθανασάκη Ε. Νέα στρατηγική ανάπτυξης εξατομικευμένων εμβολίων στη λοίμωξη COVID-19. Ετήσιο Συνέδριο Ανοσολογίας 2020, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2020. INVITED SPEAKER
  12. Bakela K, Zerva I, Athanassakis I. Immunotherapy-on-chip against an experimental sepsis model. 14thGlobal Summit on Immunology and Cell Biology, March 22-23, 2021
  13. Αθανασάκη Ε. Τεχνολογία εξατομικευμένων εμφυτεύσιμων εμβολίων: αποτελεσματικότητα και ασφάλεια. ΕΕΑ, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ανοσολογίας 2021, Μάϊος 2021. INVITED SPEAKER
  14. Zerva I, Bakela K, Athanassakis I. Immunotherapy-on-chip against an experimental sepsis model. 6th European Congress of Immunology – ECI 2021 which will take place virtually from September 1-4, 2021. (EFIS grant award-EFISGrantECI2021)


  1. Athanassakis, I., Zerva, I., Simitzi, C., Ranella, A., Stratakis E., Personalized implantable vaccines using antigen pre-activated monocytes (Εξατομικευμένα εμφυτεύσιμα εμβόλια με αντιγονικά διεγερμένα μονοκύτταρα). ΟΒΙ 20140100471, 19/9/2014
  2. Athanassakis I., Zerva, I., Stratakis E. Personalized implant against cancer. Εξατομικευμένο εμφύτευμα κατά του καρκίνου. ΟΒΙ 20190100297
  3. ImmunoRec IKE. Personalized vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 (OBI 245-0004327167, under evaluation)


“Personalized implantable vaccines technology: effectiveness and safety” webinar in the context of  the International Immunology day 2021 dedicated to “Immunological  research fighting COVID-19 pandemic” (in greek)